Find a coach who meets your needs.
My coaching is for:
Winners and people that are willing to go the extra mile;
Those that are serious about investing in themselves;
Those that genuinely want to improve their lives;
Those that aren’t afraid to put in the work;
Those that are open-minded and willing to try new approaches.
My coaching is NOT for:
Those that are ok with basic life and are happy to just survive;
Those that are looking for a magic bullet or quick fix;
Those that expect someone doing everything for them;
Those that don’t take responsibility for their lives;
Those that just complain but aren’t truly willing to change;
Do You NEED:
- Help finding direction?
Are you feeling lost & directionless? Well, let me tell you, you're definitely not alone. A lot of people drift through life without much of a plan, not really knowing where they're heading or what they even want.
A coach can change all of that by helping you really focus and figure out your true purpose.
- Help boosting your wellbeing?
Whatever issues you're facing in life, working with a coach is all about putting you back in the driving seat and equipping you with the road map.
You'll feel in control of your life again – so your struggles will become easier to handle, and you'll feel happier, more positive and supported, and confident about getting out there and pursuing your dreams.
- To save time and reduce stress?
Coaching accelerates your success, helping you get from point A to B faster than you could on your own – and save you the stress of having to figure it all out on your own.
The benefit of your coach's knowledge and experience, plus the step-by-step plan they'll help you to build, can help you gain a real competitive advantage in business & personal life.
- Clarity about your goals?
As your coach, I will help you determine what’s really important to you and help you stay focused on that.
Once you've got that ultimate goal or goals in mind, working with a coach is the ideal way to plan out the small, manageable steps you need to take so you don't feel overwhelmed by the scale of the journey.
- Help reaching your potencial?
Perhaps you're plodding along just fine but not really hitting the high notes or achieving what you know you're capable of.
Hiring a coach can help you get serious about the success you deserve to have, and motivate you to step it up a level to reach your true potential.
- To increase your confidence?
When you've been struggling along on your own for a while, it's easy to become demotivated and lose confidence in your own abilities.
By putting you back on the right path, hiring a coach also helps you to rediscover the confidence and motivation you need to make it happen.
- To aquire/improve leadership skills?
Working with a coach will also help to get essential leadership skills. The strategies you learn will not only make you a better listener, but also train you to adopt powerful questioning skills, which you can then apply to analysing business success, managing others, and implementing changes in both work and life.
These traits are so important, whether you're leading staff within your own business, or aiming to get ahead as an employee.
After you work with a coach for a while, you can start to adopt powerful questioning techniques, which helps you become a better listener.
This is just one of the many ways you can integrate a coaching style into your own leadership approach.
- Help focusing on what's important?
Once you've worked out what you want and need from your life, your coach is there to help you get clear about your specific goals and keep you focused on what's really important. It's easy to feel daunted by dreams that feel too big and out of reach or to be put off by mundane distractions, but a coach will help you break everything down and get focused on each individual step along your journey.
A good coach will support you in the development of a personal progress plan to clearly map out your development journey. They will also keep you focused as you work through each stage of that journey.
A coach will ensure that you don’t move on until you have achieved the agreed goal and offer you the necessary support and motivation required to get you through.
- Accountability for your actions?
Are you like most people that even when you already know what you need to do to achieve your goals, however, you're terrible for making excuses and putting it off? I will put an end to your procrastination. If you say you are going to do something, I will follow it up with you, and if an agreed action is not followed through I will want a reason why. Knowing we have to report our actions, and those actions are being examined, and to some extent, evaluated, actually makes us want to be on our best behaviour. I want to be your conscience, providing a supportive nudge in the right direction, keep you on track and moving forward toward new levels of achievement. For many of us, having someone we answer to, motivates us to act because If you know someone is counting on you, you show up, both physically, and metaphorically so it’s no surprise that the mere act of hiring a coach often spurs people to new heights of success.
- To understand yourself better?
One of the keys to unlocking your potential is gaining a clearer understanding of yourself, what makes you tick, and what blind spots might be holding you back.
A coach can help you dig deeper into your own psyche and really analyse your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Once you truly understand yourself, you can work on becoming the person you need to become, in order to achieve the success that you desire.
- To get rid of limited beliefs?
We all have battle scars, but some of us have trouble letting go of past experiences that limit and prevent us from moving forward in life and our goals.
Holding on to terrible memories and feelings is both exhausting and counterproductive, and a results coach can help process your old beliefs and ideas in ways that allow you to work past counterproductive patterns, get more done and move forward, instead of dwelling on the past.
- To train into a winning mindset?
All athletes have coaches to train their bodies, but what really sets sporting champions apart is their winning mindsets.
Mind over matter really does count – not only in sport but in work and life as well.
If you want to win, you need to think like a winner – and a great coach will train your brain to do exactly that.
- To build a plan?
If formulating a clear vision isn’t your issue but creating an actionable plan to execute is, a results coach is still your go-to resource. Coaches are trained to know proven strategies for success and frameworks that get results. Don’t let your idea fall by the wayside due to lack of organization!
- To step out of your comfort zone?
Do you find that you’ve stopped progressing and are merely existing? If you’re getting a little too comfortable and settled into your routine, it may be time to step out of your comfort zone. A results coach can help you challenge yourself to learn, grow, have fun and take action in exciting new ways.
- Help identifying your blind spots?
Coaches help you figure out what you don’t know, and they clue you into things you may not be able to see as others seem to see you differently than you see yourself.
They will be honest with you because they are not vested in any specific outcome.
We can help independent if you are a:
Life coaching
High-Performance Coaching
Career Coaching
Relationship Coaching
Happiness Coaching
Transformation Coaching
Wellness Coaching
Empowerment Coaching
Business Coaching
Leadership Coaching
Executive Coaching
Performance Coaching
Behavioural Coaching
Success Coaching
Skills Coaching
Organizational Coaching
Career Coaching
Transition Coaching
Group Coaching
Social Coaching
Team Coaching
Learn more about our process
"The coaching sessions with Emma helped me to discover not only my personal reserve of strength but also helped me develop the self-confidence to take control over my life path. Today, I am thriving with the self-confidence that coaching has helped me develop within myself. My self-awareness and ability to better recognise and understand how I think and feel in different situations has helped me deal with what I thought was uncontrollable anxiety and also helped me determine some key goals and ways to reach those."
— Agnieszka Gradzewicz, Enhancing Lives Client